Two days before my appointment I noticed a small spot of dry blood on my underwear. when I was using the restroom. I immediately broke down into tears, fearing the worst. I called my Dr. immediately, who was busy with other patients. I was told the nurse would call me back as soon as possible. Three hours passed by, and I finally got a call from the nurse, Diane. By the way is an absolute angel! She told me they would squeeze me in that afternoon to check things out. Poor Trevor was at work, so he had to stand by the phone for any news. My parents meet me at the Dr.'s office so I wouldn't have to be alone. I was so lucky to have them be so supportive.
The Dr. then performed a vaginal ultrasound. (Which by the way really hurt!) He looked and looked for the baby and then finally found my little peanut. Although it was more the size of a small speck. The Dr. told me I was only measuring measuring 5 weeks, which would explain why he couldn't detect a heartbeat. He told me it is very likely that I was ovulating later on during my cycle. He told me due to my history and the spotting he wanted me to go on bed rest until my next appointment a week later, to be safe. By the sixth week, he said there should be a heart beat.
That week I was an absolute wreck. Two days after the ultrasound I noticed some more spotting, which was more like old blood, nothing red, so I tried so hard not to stress out. After that day I saw no more bleeding, however it still didn't ease my concern. Not only was I beyond worried, and depressed I started to feel those good old first trimester symptoms... nausea & fatigue. Barely being able to lift my head off the pillow, I tried to keep the faith. With the support from family and friends, I kept faith and spoke to God every night. (Actually more like 5 times a day) I prayed and prayed that God would bless us with a healthy baby, and give me the strength to have a healthy pregnancy.
After that week, which literally felt like a year, it was time for the next appointment. Trevor and I were a bundle of nerves barely speaking in the Dr.'s office. I was sweating, my heart was beating so fast, I just wanted to hear those three little words, "There's the heartbeat." I absolutely adore my Dr., he always makes things light, and makes Trevor and I feel so comfortable. He explains everything so thoroughly, so we understand all that's going on. He began the vaginal ultrasound (ouch), and there my sweet little baby was. Baby had gotten bigger, but still looked like a little ball. "Well Trevor and Melissa, I want you to look right here," as he pointed to a flicker in the middle of the ball baby, "that fast flicker is your baby's heart beat." I just started to cry tears of joy! I was beyond relieved. Seeing my little peanut's heart beating on that screen made it all so real. I never knew I could love something so much, so small.
After the Dr. printed peanut's first photo he wanted to discuss a few more things. He began to tell us that the heart beat was very strong. He said based on what he saw he would give us only a 10% rate of miscarriage. Much better than the 50% rate, he had given us the week prior. He did tell me that my progesterone levels were a little low, so he wanted me to start taking natural progesterone suppositories. I had no idea what it was, maybe a pill, a liquid medicine maybe? No... its a type of medicine you have to stick up your vagina with a tube. He told me he wanted me to do this every night until week 11, and that it would help move the pregnancy along, until the umbilical cord took over. He also told me bed rest until my next appointment (3 weeks later)!!! I always wanted a long vacation from work, but believe me when you go on bed rest during your first trimester it is no merry go round.
Even though we had some obstacles to overcome, I was still on cloud nine to see my baby's heart beat. Trevor and I were so happy, and thankful that God had answered our prayers.